On Saturday 19th June a SURPRISE PARTY was held in the Den, Laurencetown for
Geraldine will be 60 next Sunday (27th June) but we thought we would "put her off the scent" by having the party a week earlier - and it worked!
Thanks to her cousin, Mary Small, Geraldine has been outfoxed and outwitted for the past month or so - and for all who know Geraldine (and who doesn't!) that was no mean feat!
It got to the stage that locals were avoiding going into the Post Office in case they 'spilled the beans'!
So, for all those who are wondering, 'how we got her', it was after the 6.00pm Mass in Laurencetown on Saturday and as Geraldine and Mary are, withouth fail, the last to leave the church grounds every Saturday, it all went according to plan.
We had 'scouts' in the graveyard and in cars guarding the Den as if their lives depended on it.
No one was allowed to enter the Den after 5.40pm as Mary had arranged to park her car there and it worked a treat.
She hadn't a clue!
Geraldine comes into the Den to a huge cheer and the singing of Happy Birthday

Cousin Mary and good friend Mick Feeney come in behind her.

Mary Campbell and Anne McPolin with Seamus O'Hare

Geraldine with Eamon Campbell and Gary O'Hagan

Sally, Louise and Adrian Byrne

Kathleen McGrath with daughter Cathy, son-in-law and grandson
Leo McEvoy and Rosemary Byrne

Mary Savage, Mairead Weir and Paula Jordan

Robert, Mary Morgan and Sheila Dawson

Geraldine with Kathleen Brady and Maureen Conlon
Kate Agnew with Claire Rose and Lily

Anne Nicoletti, Renee Byrne, Nuala Byrne and Anne McEvoy
Elaine Keegan and Deirdre Hamill

Edward, Brendan and Fiona Byrne

Brian Hamill with Brendan McCusker

Cousins Tish and Mary Small

Lynn Laverty, Nora Jordan and Marie Campbell

Seamus and Mary O'Hare
Maeve and Sarah McEvoy
 Jospehine McEvoy with Mary and Tish

Mary Small and Josephine McEvoy
and in comes the cake!
Mick Feeney presents Geraldine with a bouquet of flowers and a kiss!
Claire Rose Agnew gives Geraldine the teddy as a small token of how we all feel about her.
Mairead Magee presents the card with everyone's personal message
Colum McGarry was responsible for most of the decorations.
Colum and Geraldine
Kathleen McEvoy and Margaret Convery
Lorna Hendron
Mary Small - never believe a word she says again!!
Party planner extraordinaire!
Paula and Lynn led the enetertainment with Lynn's hubby Paul, Colum McGarry and John Monaghan
Ann Blevins with Mary Savage
Obviously one of John's hilarious comments Mairead Weir and John Monaghan
Britain's Got Talent 2011!! The P.P. and The S.P.
Parish Priest Fr. Powell with School Principal John Monaghan
Fr. Powell thanked Geraldine for all the work she does for the Parish
Paul Laverty and Colum McGarry
Eamon Campbell and Mark Blevins
Geraldine's closest friends Mary Campbell, Ann McPolin, the birthday girl, Eamon Campbell and Mark Blevins
Brother Brendan with Lorna and Margaret. Brendan's look says it all!!
Geraldine with Mary Savage
John Monaghan with Ann McPolin
Gotcha Geraldine!!
This photo sums up the evening - hardly a word spoken!! All the cousins entertaining Eamon
Eamon Campbell - the closest we have to a Lord Mayor of Laurencetown!
The Cousins!
Happy Birthday Geradline.
We were sorry we couldn;t have invited all who wanted to be there, but Croke Park was busy on Saturday night and that's the size of the venue we would have needed!
Geraldine, you are a star!
The following poem was written for you by Lynn Laverty and read on the night.
It sums up everyone's thoughts perfectly!
We’ve gathered in the Den this evening, to celebrate Geraldine’s birthday, She’s the mainstay of everyone’s life here and we all hope she has a great day, She is renowned for her selling ability; nothing will get in her way, She’s there with a smile and encouragement ... Come on, good cause, JUST PAY!
In the Point we all call in to see her, her smiling face is a treat, She’s always happy and full of life and all the time on her feet. There’s nothing that Geraldine can’t tell you about pensions, stamps or letters The Post Office is the centre of the community and no one would do the job better!
Geraldine is the greatest supporter of the Parish of Tullylish, She’s always involved in everything …... if more people were like that …… I wish! She’s bubbly, vivacious, a friend and a pal, and a Saint in so many ways, To find her match we’d look a very long time, “I don’t think we’d find one” you might say!
So, all raise your drinks to our Geraldine, and get ready to sing a wee song, For that time went past in a blink of an eye, 60!! That has to be wrong!
Happy 60th Birthday to Geraldine and best wishes for all that you do, For the reason your family and friends are all here, Is simply because WE LOVE YOU!! xoxo