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Guidelines for your Marriage Ceremony in Tullylish


Congratulations on choosing to be married in church!

We wish you every blessing and we hope your wedding day will be full of memories that you will treasure for the rest of your life.

As you plan to arrange the celebration of your marriage in the Parish of Tullylish, it is necessary, then, that you consider the following guidelines in planning the Wedding Liturgy. (Some of the following are laws of the Church - Universal or Particular law - and /or requirements of the State and cannot be ignored).


(a) to the Church:

1 The Pre-nuptial enquiry (informally known as 'wedding papers') is carried out in the parish where the person has domicile (resident for at least six months) or quasi-domicile (resident for at least three months).

2 The Pre-nuptial enquiry is carried out in the form of a personal interview between the person and the priest. It should not be done in the presence of both parties.

3 It is essential that the Pre-nuptial enquiry be initiated no later than three months prior to the proposed date of marriage.

4 The Wedding Ceremony usually takes place in the parish church of the bride.

5 If one or both parties are from outside the parish, they must present a Baptismal and Confirmation Certificate and a Letter of Freedom to marry. The Baptismal and Confirmation Certificate can be obtained from the parish in which you were baptised and the Letter of Freedom from the parish in which you reside.

6 In the case of a mixed marriage, the forms of the baptised non-catholic or non-baptised person should be completed in the parish of the catholic party.

7 It is of the utmost importance that the party should ensure that the date and time of their wedding is suitable for the priest(s) of the parish. Contacting the priest personally should do this.

(b)      to the state (Civil Law Requirements)
1 From 1 January 2004, new legislation on marriage has been in force. The Church has no involvement in this process; it is strictly between the persons getting married and the registrar for the District.

2. The Marriage Notice Form can be obtained from:

                       (Laurencetown and Gilford Churches)
                        Banbridge Civic Centre, Downshire Road, Banbridge

                       (Clare Church)
                       Craigavon Civic Centre, Lake Road, Craigavon

3 The completed Marriage Notice Form must be returned to the Registrar for the district in which you are getting married at least fifteen days prior to the date of marriage. Parties can notify the Registrar up to one year prior to the date of marriage.

4 Once the Registrar has received the Marriage Notice and there is no impediment to the marriage and the person to perform the Ceremony is an approved Officiant or Celebrant (i.e. a priest of the diocese of Dromore) a Marriage Schedule is prepared for collection by the parties at the registrar's office.

5. It is your responsibility to produce your Marriage Schedule to the Celebrant at least three days before the wedding.

6. A marriage cannot take place without a Marriage Schedule

7. It is your responsibility to return the signed Marriage Schedule to the Registrar’s office within three days of the wedding.


1. Only freestanding flowers are permitted. Pillars may not be used and bouquets attached to seats should be removed immediately after the ceremony. Only tie-bows may be used – no sticking tape or other
adhesive material.


2. Flowers brought to the church should be arranged suitably beforehand.

3. The wedding parties should ensure that the florist contact the parish beforehand.


1. The Wedding Ceremony takes place within a liturgical context.
Liturgy is  public worship before God and so the music you choose for your wedding must reflect the sacredness of the event and be fitting for worship. It is important, therefore, that the music you choose is worthy of such a celebration and that the lyrics acknowledge the presence of Christ, the Unseen Guest, at your wedding. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact the priest.

2. Musicians and groups of singers may not use the sanctuary, except for the singing of the Psalm and Communion Reflections. They may perform from the side of the sanctuary area.


1. A practice for the ceremony is strongly encouraged. This can be arranged with the priest who will be conducting the ceremony.

2. Please encourage all guests to be respectful and silent in the church before, during and after the ceremony.

3. The signing of the Marriage Schedule normally takes place in the sacristy. The Wedding Party and the parents of the bride and groom are invited into the sacristy for this.

4. It is normal for the Groom and Best Man etc. to occupy the front seat at the right hand side of the church at least 15 minutes before the ceremony is due to commence. This allows them to deal with last minute details, or to have a final word with the Celebrant or Sacristan.

5. It is courteous for the bride to arrive on time. This allows for maximum time afterwards as other arrangements may be made for the church, eg, another wedding.

6. One hour and fifteen minutes should be adequate time for any wedding liturgy.

7. Photographers may use the sanctuary but are expected to act with respectful discretion in keeping with the sacredness of the occasion.

8. Each photographer should discuss beforehand his expectations with the Celebrant. Posing for photographs during the ceremony is deemed inappropriate.

9. A Pre-Marriage course (facilitated by Accord) is strongly recommended, as Church Law requires instruction on the Sacrament of Marriage. An application form accompanies this booklet.

10. Confetti is not permitted in the church or the grounds of the church. 


1. There are NO charges imposed to marry within the Church in the parish. The amount of money you spend on your wedding day is your own choice. The Church only asks that the couple and two witnesses be present with the priest. However, it is customary to make a donation to the celebrant and the altar servers.

2. Flowers in the sanctuary are considered to be donations to the parish.

3. If you would like the Celebrant to attend the Wedding Reception, it would be appropriate to send him, as any other guest, an invitation. Failure to do so would result in the Celebrant’s absence at the Wedding Reception. Please note that is difficult for the Celebrant to attend Wedding receptions on Saturdays because of Vigil Masses and Confessions.

4. If you would like to have a ‘Papal Blessing’, you can order them through C.B.C., Greenbank Industrial Estate, Newry. It takes a few months to get it and before ordering, you will need to have a from signed by your priest stating that you are to be married on a particular date and that you are practicing Catholics. C.B.C. will provide you with the necessary forms.

5. For information on getting married in Rome see the website for the Irish College in Rome www.irishcollege.org.

6. If you are considering getting married in, for example, Cyprus, you should contact your priest to arrange this. Please note that weddings organised by travel agents do not always meet the requirements of the Catholic Church.

I trust you will find this information useful as you plan your perfect day.


You will find more detailed information on getting married at www.gettingmarried.ie.

Please feel free to contact the parish office at 028 406 24236 if you require any further assistance. May we wish you and your
partner every happiness for the future.

Gerald Powell
Parish Priest.


The Pope Francis Minute
Published on 2 Sep 2015

A perfect relationship is never easy, but there are certain keys to keep in mind that can help you get there. Listening to Pope Francis' advice about marriage and engagement should help you to take a step in the right direction. We invite you all to enjoy this animation produced by http://en.catholic-link.com.

Pre Marriage Courses

accord logo


Pre-Marriage Courses

Accord Newry are endeavouring to accommodate couples via our Virtual Interactive Marriage Preparation Programme, during these uncertain times and courses can be booked on www.accord.ie.  The cost of the course is £135.

Sunday 17th January (9.30 am to 2pm with a half hour break)

Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th January (7pm to 9 pm both evenings)

Sunday 7th February (9.30 am to 2pm with a half hour break)

Tuesday 23rd & Wednesday 24th February (7pm to 9 pm both evenings)

Sunday 21st March (9.30 am to 2pm with a half hour break)

Tuesday 30th & Wednesday 31st March (7pm to 9 pm both evenings)


Counselling is an essential service which is permitted during times of pandemic restrictions.  The Accord Newry Centre is providing ‘in person’ Couples Relationships Counselling.  Please contact Moira O’Hare, Accord Newry on 07918170686 for information.

Office Hours are Monday to Wednesday 5 pm to 8.30 pm & Thursday 5pm to 7.30 pm.



Moira O'Hare


ACCORD Newry - Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG

Newry Conference & Banqueting Centre, 39 The Mall, Newry, Co Down BT34 1AN

[email protected]" width="267" height="179" border="0">

Telephone:        028 3026 3577

Email:                   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Web:                     www.accord-ni.co.uk 

Youtube:             https://youtu.be/l5G_o0UFqCE

PMC:                     http://booking.accord.ie/courses/?region=101

Charity no:          NIC102332

Company no:     NI627165

Follow these links for more information about ACCORD NICMCS:









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