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The Green Wall Project


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The “Laudato Tree” project was inspired by “Laudato Si”, Pope Francis’ 2015 letter on the environment, and promotes its key message, that “everything is interconnected and interdependent”. (LS 91).

Mercy Girl Effect invites you to join our movement - in association with the Society of African Missions (SMAs) as we launch the Laudato Tree project.

The Great Green Wall, of which the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is a key player, in partnership with the African Union, aims to plant a “green” wall right across the African continent just below the Sahara Desert.

The aims of this project are to:

  1. Increase awareness of climate change and how planting trees can help reverse its impact;
  2. To identify our collective responsibility to care for and protect our fragile planet;
  3. To highlight growing desertification and land degradation, particularly across Africa’s Sahel region, where its people are increasingly at the mercy of Global Warming.

A Tree is a symbol which recognizes the fact that we are one global family. The hardships faced by subsistence farmers in Sudan, Brazil or Haiti are our problem too. The struggle of women in Nigeria, Peru or Papua New Guinea to find food to feed their children is our struggle too. We have an ethical duty toward each other to overturn an economic system that feeds the wants of the rich over the needs of our vulnerable brothers and sisters. Planting a tree offers Hope for the future.

Tree card costs $10; E10 or 10 pounds. Your tree card has a space where you can dedicate it as a ‘gift’ – a gift that keeps on giving!

Give a gift with a difference. Plant a Tree. Grow Hope.

2019 09 18

For further information on how to obtain a gift card and contribute to this project, please contact Sister Deirdre Mullan at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Africa is building a wall

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