St. Colman’s Church, Clare, colloquially known as ‘The Clare’, probably emerged as a result of the removal of the Magennis Castle and Chapel towards the end of the 17th century. Although a relatively isolated church, St. Colman’s Clare is adjoined by an extensive graveyard, its size being partly the consequence of the absence of a Catholic cemetery in the nearby village of Gilford.  St. Colman's was extensively renovated in 1967 when the inside of the church was 'turned around' to meet with the liturgical thinking of that era, namely that the people should sit 'around' the altar. The Clare celebrated its bi-centenery in September 2005. Log on to the www.clare200.org for a more detailed history of the Clare and its people. The interior of St. Colman's Church, Clare     Some "Clare 200" photos
 Preparing for the big day in September 2005         and finally - the very important cuppa! 