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Updated Covid restrictions

Obligation to attend Sunday/Holyday Mass.

With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, it is encouraging to see a return to a fuller liturgical life in our parishes.

Thankful that we can once again gather as communities of faith, the Irish Bishops have announced that attending Mass on Sunday and Holydays of Obligation has from Easter Sunday (17th April 2022) once again can be deemed an essential expression of faith.

As always, those whose health is vulnerable or who are unwell will not be under any obligation to attend Mass.
Those in this situation are encouraged, if possible, to participate in live-streamed Parish Masses offered online.



Extract from a letter from Archbishop Eamon on the lifting of Covid restrictions.

The Bishops’ Conference will meet in March to review the situation. Meanwhile the continuation of the following protective measures is recommended to ensure the
safety and wellbeing of the vulnerable or anxious members of the congregation:

The wearing of face coverings inside Church buildings;

Good sanitising and cleaning arrangements;

Suspension of a handshake as the Sign of Peace;

Holy Communion to be received in the hand;

Holy water to be used in asperges (sprinkling congregation with holy water) but not yet restored to fonts for communal use at the entrances to Church buildings.

While we are encouraged by the lifting of the restrictions imposed during the pandemic, we will continue to take care to provide appropriate protection and reassurance to all involved in Church activities.

With every blessing and kindest regards

+ Eamon Martin




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