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News from Fr. Joe



Roman Catholic Church, P.O. Box 7, 9762 Sterkspruit, Rep. of South Africa

23rd April 2009

Dear Friends

This is the time for us to share our joy of being Christians. Easter season has come to use after the six weeks of Lent where we have been donning the good works of mercy, fasting and prayer. I do wish you all a very blessed Easter to you and to your family. May the Joy of the risen Christ be an inspiration to you and to your family in whatever you do.

I do thank you for all your love, care and support towards my ministry in Sterkspruit Parish. I wish to share with you this news from my Bishop Michael, yesterday on the 8 Aril 2009 I was given the honour of being a Monsignor by Pope Benedict XVI. Please I ask you to play for me on this noble and dignified task.

Let us keep each other in prayer, and for those who have lost their jobs due to economic meltdown. We need to have discipline and rethink about our expenditures especially at this time of Easter.

Kind regards and blessings to your family may the risen Christ grant you and all your beloved ones a joyous Eastern season.

God bless you



M A Theology. ( UNISA)

P.O Box 27 ALIWAL NORTH 9750

South Africa.

Cell: +27 (0) 82 471 8739





13th August 2008


Greetings from Fr. Joe


----- This may be good for you and your family

A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said.
'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.
The Lord led the holy man to two doors.

He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the 
middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the 
table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made 
the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table 
were thin and sickly. They appeared to
be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that 
were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach 
into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. But because the handle 
was longer than their arms, they could not get the
spoons back into their mouths.
The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.
The Lord said, 'You have seen Hell.

They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the 
same as the first one. There was the large round table with the 
large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The 
people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here
the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. 
The holy man said, 'I don't understand.' 'It is simple,' said the 
Lord. 'It requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to 
feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves.' When Jesus died 
on the cross, He was thinking of you. It's estimated 93% won't 
forward this. If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with 
the title '7%'. I'm in the 7%
Remember that I will always share my spoon with you.




Dear fellow Pilgrim in the resurrected Lord,

I greet you in the Lord’s name. I hope you are still enjoying life in Jesus.

I am all right. Here it is autumn. We are experiencing a feeling of the coming winter cold.

This year is bringing us special joys one after another. We had the consecration of our New Bishop on the 24th of February.

This is the time of the year once again we have to feel that joy of new life in our places of work, in our homes and also in our hearts. I do wish you all the best and wish you the joy of Easter. I do thank you for all the prayers and the support that you have been offering to your friends and family. I do ask and pray for you to have courage that you need to be able to witness to the world in whatever you will be doing.

Back to us I have just been in two Mass of Holy Thursday that is the washing of the feet, and the institution of the Holy Eucharist. . What was moving is that during Mass we had to wash each others feet? Therefore the all congregation hard that opportunity to experience that joy. Then tomorrow is the Good Friday where we shall stat at around 9 a.m we shall move with the cross from House to House until we shall go to the 14 homes. Then we read the passion and then seven people will preach or share on the seven words of Jesus on then cross before he dead.

I do hope that this gives you some of the things that we do in our liturgy at this time.
I wish you the riches of blessings for this Triduum and Easter plus the following Easter-time. I just hope and wish you all the best of the at this coming Easter time.

I keep you close in my heart and prayers.

Yours truly loving, brother Fr Joe in South Africa


Greetings from South Africa Eastern Cape Sterkspruit

a Wish of Peace, Joy and

Prosperity to Everyone who reads this Message from Fr Joe

Hoping that you are well? I do wish you all the blessing Christmas. I hope that this letter reaches to you in time, and find you in a truly joyful Christmas mood find you well? Greetings from the African continent in South Africa. This year has gone very fast and yes, in short while we will again celebrate Christmas and a week later we will have to replace the “7” in our current year with an “8”.

I in South Africa life has not been so bad we have just had a new ANC party leader Zuma and we hope all will be well for us in the future. There are a lot of people still suffering especially those who are going through rough times due to all types of problems, whatever these may be, I wish to console and comfort you. I assure you that I will remember you this Christmas, especially also in my prayer. May the Son-of-God born as one of us be your support and refuge, because together with Him our pain and suffering become bearable, even though it is sometimes hard to believe this? Courage, therefore, and receive His grace.

I am very happy at the moment that in our parish we are four by now this makes our work a bit better we are still having 25 Churches that we visit for Mass once or two times a month. We have just also got a new Bishop he is not a local person he is from Germany but we are happy with what the Vatican gives us

Thanks to you all for the support, love and care in 2007. We hope and wish that we shall keep on talking 2008. I am also very hopefully that we will continue to pray and care for each other. In Africa we do say that “When the spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion? A proverb from Ethiopia so let us takes our love and support very seriously. There are a lot of challenges that we shall meet in 2008 but if we shall stand for each other we shall overcome them.

My Centre for HIV/AIDS youth has been able to celebrate now 5 years since we opened it. We are having about 45 youth and 125 OVC whom we are taking care of. We are facing big problems next year but we shall overcome them we hope so

Dear friend, thank you for your love and affection. I hope that the new year, which is about to begin, will indeed be full of hope (see Pope Benedict’s Spe Salvi) and joy. Praying for one another will surely be an eminent way to support one another!

From South Africa under the African Sun 40 C, all the best to each one of you,

From Rev Joe Kizito

P.O. Box 27

Aliwal North

9750 South Africa



Hi! Fr Joe here. How are you over there?

I send you some news of thanks

God bless you.




It is not easy to find the right wards of thanking people. I write to thank you all for the warm welcome that you have expressed to me during my visit in your parish of Tullylish.

I do thank you once more for the generous donation towards Sr. Bernadette in our project of Education For Life Programme. Your donations do make great impact to the youth of our country since we are able to run workshops for them and help them to have positive values, attitudes and behaviours in life.

We have just been in Solomon Islands with our team from South Africa the Education For Life conducting some workshops for the youth on HIV/AIDS. What we show there was just like in Africa life is full of challenges for the youth.

It is not easy for me to express my joy and feelings towards you people and your priests in the parish. I promise you that I will take with me those wonderful memories of you back to South Africa and l will keep you in my prayers.

Keep up the excellent work that you do for your Church, the great faith that you have and a deep relationship with God. Do encourage one another, and support each other I do wish you a very blessed year. I hope to hear from you in the future. God bless you all and your families.

Once again thanks.


Fr Joe Kizito


Fr Joe Kizito


Fr. Joe celebrating with Mrs. Rosie McAteer (nee Rogan) and the McAteer family on her recent 84th birthday

Fr. Joe having his first lesson on a tractor!




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