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Vintage Fashion Show


Living Vintage fashion show comes to Laurencetown Saturday 14th June 2014

Laurencetown GAC Hall

"The Living Vintage Company” is displaying their private collection of authentic clothes and accessories in a vintage fashion show extravaganza as a fundraiser in aid of Sr. Bernadette Duffy's work in South Africa.

Living Vintage is a travelling fashion show where models 'put on the style' and show off a magnificent collection of some of the most stylish haute couture of the forties and fifties in a great atmosphere of fun and nostalgia. Owned by sisters Bridget Owens and Marian Keenan, Living Vintage is a not for profit organisation and all monies raised are donated to the designated charity, Sr. Bernadette's Education4 Life programme and their chosen charity Cancer Research.

Living Vintage very much welcomes this first visit to Laurencetown. They are delighted to be invited as they have many fans and supporters in the area who have attended the shows all over Ulster.

Bridget explains, "Living Vintage evenings are great fun with plenty of laughs and many happy nostalgic memories. We are extremely proud of our collection of authentic forties and fifties fashion and all the outfits are accessorised with the appropriate vintage hats, gloves, bags, jewellery and of course, seamed stockings. Bridget’s sparkling script is pervaded with a hilarious storyline with one of the models, Marian, sharing her quest and frustrations in finding a date and or husband!! Did we all find it an easy path to the altar? Marian who travels all the way up from Ballymena, Co Antrim, and who is a co founder of Living Vintage, expresses her desire to be happily married whilst modelling an amazing range of 1940-1950’s coats. The audience usually welcomes her appearance each round and it must be said has great sympathy for her plight and the predicament she finds herself enduring. The evening will showcase day dresses, suits and evening wear and is rounded off by a stunning bridal show."

Living Vintage fashion shows have been met with huge acclaim all over Northern Ireland and beyond and their fashion shows are regularly complete sell-outs. Make sure to get your ticket early to avoid disappointment. The event takes place on Saturday 14th June in the GAC Hall, School Road, Laurencetown at 7.30pm with doors open at 7.00pm.

So, ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax and be transported back through your mummy's or grand mummy’s wardrobe. …..and best of all you can't buy anything!

Tickets are just £10 and are available from

Geraldine in Laurencetown Post Office or by phone from

Cath 07966581909 or Lynn 07989352218

You can find out more about Living Vintage fashion shows at www.livingvintagecompany.com

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