Easter Reflection from Sr. Bernadette
To family, friends and parishioners, I wish you all a blessed EASTER.
The tomb is empty! Love is stronger than death! Forgiveness is deeper than sin! The truth of God is more powerful than the lies of the world! Evil does not have the last word! Christ is risen. And we are invited into the astonishing mystery of the Spirit of God. Alleluia!
Trust him to roll away the stone:
of sorrow from the dark tomb of our losses
of bitterness from the dark tomb of our failures
of hopelessness from the dark tomb of family problems
of indifference from the dark tomb of the world's suffering
of cynicism from the dark tomb of our jaded vision of the world
of grief from the dark tomb of our broken hearts and broken relationships
of worry from the dark tomb of our sickness, concerns, unanswered questions
of fear from the dark tomb of our anxieties about the future and all its uncertainties...
United in prayers
Sr. Bernadette Duffy
South Africa