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Happy 50th birthday Sr. B

See below for all birthday greetings posted for Sr. Bernadette on our Parish Facebook Page

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Birthday Greetings to Sr. Bernadette by St. Colman's Bann P.S. from Laurencetown
18. May 2015
A very Happy Birthday Sr. Bernadette from the staff and pupils of your old primary school - St. Colman's Bann Primary School, Laurencetown. May God pour down his blessings on you and your marvellous work.


Mary Carr
 Happy birthday Bernadette X God bless x

Tracy Scullion 
Happy birthday from all the family x

 Thomas Barry

Happy birthday Bernadette you smiled the whole way through primary school.

 Ann O'Neill

Happy birthday sister Bernie from all your friends at Stage Aid Xx

 Margaret Drayne 

Happy birthday twinkle toes

 Bernie Campbell 

Happy birthday Bernadette

 Kate Millar 

Happy Birthday Bernadette xxxxx

 Stevie Byrne 

A classmate of sister Bernie from St. Patrick's. Always had a permanent smile on her face.Happy birthday.

Patricia Smith 
Happy Blessed Birthday Sr. Bernadette from Uncle Hugh.

Sheila K Shannon 
appy birthday Sr Bernadette u have a lovely smile x





A birthday message from Sr. Bernadette Duffy

50th birthday Sr B

Blessed be the mind that dreamed the day
the blueprint of your life
would begin to glow on earth,
illuminating all the faces and voices
that would arrive to invite
your soul to growth.

Praised be your father and mother,
who loved you before you were,
and trusted to call you here
with no idea who you would be.

Blessed be those who have loved you
into becoming who you were meant to be,
blessed be those who have crossed your life
with dark gifts of hurt and loss
that have helped to school your mind
in the art of disappointment.

when desolation surrounded you,
blessed be those who looked for you
and found you, their kind hands
urgent to open a blue window
in the gray wall formed around you.

Blessed be the gifts you never notice,
your health, eyes to behold the world,
thoughts to countenance the unknown,
memory to harvest vanished days,
your heart to feel the world's waves,
your breath to breathe the nourishment
of distance made intimate by earth.

On this echoing-day of your birth,
may you open the gift of solitude
in order to receive your soul;
enter the generosity of silence
to hear your hidden heart;
know the serenity of stillness
to be enfolded anew
by the miracle of your being.


Sr. Bernadette's P7 Class:

Paul Fitzpatrick, Bronagh O'Sullivan, Paul Ross (R.I.P.), Paul Savage, Enda Savage, Maria McEvoy, Michael Doherty, Michelle McEvoy, Bernadette Teggart, Declan Feeney, Maria Cairns, Regina Tucker, Felix McCartan, Christine Feeney, Paula Jordan, Bernadette Duffy (19th May) , Pat Campbell

Sr B communion




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