"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.." Matthew 25:35
Sr. Bernadette sent us these photos of the poor men outside their house in Cape Town. Every morning the Sisters give them coffee and peanut sandwiches as well as providing blankets and soap.
This year, on Christmas Day, the Sisters will feed one thousand + poor and homeless people. They will all come to the parish church for Christmas Mass and then go to the parish centre where all will dine together.
It is money from Sr. Bernadette's faithful donors in Tullylish that will help with this wonderful gesture. Each month benefactors pay into the Education For Life fund by standing order and last week we were able to send £5,000 directly to Sr. Bernadette by direct bank transfer.
The TLC Group intend to have a fund-raiser for Sr. Bernadette after Christmas
These are the types of homes in the location.