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Education 4 Life



What is Education for Life?

The Education for Life Programme is a conversion process that leads participants through introspection to face the reality of their present situation to identify, name and own behaviours, attitudes, values that are not compatible with living the Gospel values.

Who can benefit from the Programme?

The programme can be of benefit to any individual or community who wishes to change on any affective area of their personality, ways of relating, communicating, being …. it has no age limits, no religion, no gender, no colour—it is a national effort to bring about the best in everyone.

Why should I help?

Sr. Bernadette has dedicated her life to helping the poorest of the poor, reaching out in compassion to those who are dying from the AIDS virus and realising that the only way to stop this pandemic is through education, a change of lifestyle and the ability to make healthy, well informed choices.

Sr. Bernadette has given her life - we only have to give our support!

Does the programme work?


How can I help?

In order to reach as many areas as possible with the programme, several teams of leaders are required. The training costs per year are approx. £3000. This does not include travelling or day to day expenses.

100 parishioners pledging £2.50 per month will cover the training expenses. Of course, we are not limited to £3000 - or £2.50 per month - Sr. Bernadette can certainly use all the money we can spare.

How do I pay?

You may pay by direct debit / standing order, where the money is taken from your bank account automatically - all you do is sign the form opposite and return to the Parochial House, or place in the collection basket.

(envelopes available in church porch)

How does Sr. Bernadette get the money?

The money will be transferred directly to Sr. Bernadette’s account in Africa when required. No administration charges (bank or other) are involved, so if you give £5,

Sr. Bernadette gets £5.

How will I know Sr. Bernadette has got the money?

Each donor will receive an annual account of the Education for Life Fund.

What do I do now?


Forms available from the Parish Office





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