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Lenten Reflection from Sr. B

Second Lenten Reflection. 

Scripture tells us ‘Exodus 14:14  "The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent."

Last week a paper I had among my books was sticking out and I read the word LENT.  Being LENT I pulled it out to read.  But instead of the word LENT what was actually written on the paper was the word SILENT.  I had never noticed before the two parts to this word SI-LENT.  This got me thinking and I heard the invitation this LENT to become more silent.   We live in a world that excels on faster, bigger and better.  Our lives are bombarded with noise, activity and busyness – I know mine is!  As Ronald Rolheiser says we are no longer Human-beings but Human-doings.

I invite you also this Lent to become Silent.  Silent within our own hearts to listen and to hear the Word of God and to hear God in every event, person and experience.  Being Silent is an attitude towards life, people, things and myself.  The invitation is to do less, and become more.  To become whole by getting rid of everything that is not really us, everything false and inauthentic.  In other words dying to ourselves… Lent allow us this space to fast and repent. To become better people…  

We can under his gaze before the Blessed Eucharist in Exposition become Human-beings again with all our giftedness, uniqueness and beauty and also with our limitations, temptations and ugly parts (sin). Being filled with God’s love we can do all things and do them well.

Let us spend sometime this evening Being before the Lord in the Blessed Eucharist allowing ourselves to be Si-Lent before him. 

Scripture tells us ‘Exodus 14:14  "The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent."

Pause in Silent reflection

Today we pray the 5th Sorrowful Mysteries – the Crucifixion – we identify with Christ in his passion and death as we die to falseness and sinfulness. 

Sr. Bernadette Duffy




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