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Thank you from Sr. Bernadette


P.O. Box 134, MAITLAND,
0704, CAPE TOWN, South Africa.

Thank you from Sr B

30th November 2018

Dear Fr Powell, parishioners, friends and family, it is with deepest gratitude, that I express on behalf of the Holy Cross Sisters, our sincerest appreciation for all the work that you have done to raise money for our new school in Okongo. What you have done is a step towards the beginning of something great and the realisation of a dream. Your names will be written in the hearts and minds of each child who will benefit from Holy Cross education.

The bigger picture!

The Holy Cross congregation began in 1844 because of a dream our Founders, Fr Theodosius Florentini and Mother Bernarda Heimgartner had for quality education in the 19th Century, especially for girls. Holy Cross Sisters have continued to fulfil this dream over the past 174 years. As an educator I am delighted to continue the dream and passion of our Founders and I am especially delighted that so many of you want to share with us. Yes, we will do the work on the ground. That is what we are called for. Your generosity makes our work possible. I will keep you up to speed with all developments. Actually, I have been thinking that it is time Tullylish parish nurtures another vocation to take up where I too will leave off.

For the past three days, we met as Provincial Council and I had the opportunity to share with Sr Monica and the other Provincial Councillors how you are supporting our dream for education. They express their personal gratitude and promise to keep you in their prayers.

On the home front!

It was as usual a great joy for me to return home and be among you. This time was special in that I had the opportunity to visit the sick and housebound and to lead the Eucharistic services. I pray that Fr Powell is feeling much better and is on the mend. In his absence I also pray that those who can will lead the Eucharistic services. It was my experience that there is a thirst for the Eucharist which is beautiful and the coming together of parishioners regularly is necessary for the growth of the parish and for the older people to keep in contact. Going to Mass is both a spiritual and social event for them of which they may not be deprived. Please do not let this fall by the way side. Of course, Mass remains the high point from which all other activities flow. Fr Powell, I pray you get well soon, your people need you.

I reassure each of you of my prayers and I wish each of you a blessed Advent in preparation for Christmas.

May you remain blessed

Love and prayers

Sr Bernadette




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