Education for Life Fund
Our Education4Life fund, which provides Sr. Bernadette with the money necessary to train volunteers, has been in operation since September 2004.
Initially, Sr. Bernadette said she needed £3000 per year to train volunteers and if we could provide that, it would take a great deal of pressure of her. So, we offered parishioners the chance to subscribe either monthly / annually by standing order, or to give donations. When Sr. Bernadette needs money, we send it by international bank transfer.
Standing Orders £14,097.50
Donations £13,109.41
Interest £ 127.60
Total £27,334.51
Transferred to Sr. Bernadette £24,495.00
Balance of Fund £ 2,839.51
The ‘Donation’s total includes all money given directly to Sr. Bernadette, ‘one-off’ donations, fees for family searches and donations given to charity through the Parish Office. While all donations are lodged to the account, it is the PLEDGED MONEY that allows Sr. Bernadette to ‘forward plan’. At present we have 41 parishioners who have pledged between £2.50 and £30 per month and the annual amount pledged is £3,720.00
If you would like to ‘pledge’ something, you may
(a) download the standing order from the parish website “Education For Life” section or
(b) e-mail
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
(c) Contact the parish office