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August 2009


P.O. Box 48775 HERCULES 0030 South Africa

17 August 2009

Dear Education For Life Friends

I hope my letter finds you all well and enjoying the remainder of the Summer holidays. 

I wish to share with you some new horizons that I have been asked to engage with for our Holy Cross congregation which will bring about major changes in my present work situation.  I have been asked to become the Juniorate mistress for all our young sisters in temporary vows.  This means accompanying them from first profession until final profession which extends for six to nine years.  I will run two workshops in the year and then visit each one (twelve in total) in their different communities, i.e Zimbabwe, Namibia, Cape Town, Botshablo (my first mission), Eastern Cape (Fr Joe’s area), Kwa Zulu Natal and Pretoria.  This is a very big task and one of major importance.  It is a privilege while it remains a challenge. 

Secondly, the Holy Cross Sisters owns six schools.  Five in South Africa and one in Namibia.  I have been asked along with a team of sisters to form school councils and work with the staff and learners in all these schools.  This will enable us to keep ownership of our schools and to continue the Charism and Catholic ethos as much as possible.  Again this is a major task.  This one is a first timer so we have no blueprint and therefore it will take some time and effort to see our way clear.  While engaging in these two tasks I will continue my Masters with Pretoria University with the intention of exploring the salient values of children growing up in informal settlements, shanty towns.  The Holy Cross Sisters are already engaged in such a place where they run an aftercare centre for the children to help them with their homework and provide them with one meal a day.  Hence I do have access. 
Due to these new commitments I have left my work with the SACBC which includes Education For Life but I shall remain on the national team as an advisory member, along with Fr Joe and Emmanuel and three new members.  I will also be engaged in running some workshops, especially a new one among the South African National Defence Force.  One Catholic priest who is the army chaplain has asked me to help him implement EFL among the soldiers – this will be very interesting. 

Moving on is a big challenge but a new sister has taken over from me and I believe she will do well with our continued support.  May I kindly ask your permission should you agree that the Tullylish parish and all our benefactors continue their monthly support of the programme?  The knitting club, St Patrick’s and any other kind donors who wish to support the project at the informal settlement or among the orphanage in Tickeyline is totally free to do so. 

I am speechless when reflecting on how supportive and generous you have all been to me over the past years and without you I could not have managed to do the work I did.  I have enjoyed every moment of my work among the youth and although I may never truly see the fruits of the work done I remain convinced that seeds have been planted in the hearts, minds and conscience of so many people. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

One household at the informal settlement. 
Usual no water, no electricity, no roads, dirt, hunger and sickness everywhere!!





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