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Cemetery Sunday 2012 PDF Print E-mail

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Cemetery Sunday is a tradition that goes on the length and breadth of Ireland -

a day set aside to honour all those who have gone before us, marked with the sign of faith and to whom we owe so much.

May they rest in peace.

The ceremony will begin inside the church with readings, homily and Benediction. After Benediction the Rosary will be recited and prayers recited for the deceased. You will then be invited to process to the graves for the blessing. The whole ceremony will be relayed through the outside speaker systems at our churches and cemeteries for the benefit of those who do not come inside the church.  We ask that you bring a bottle of water with you which will be blessed after the recitation of the Rosary and then members of your family may, at the appropriate time, sprinkle your family grave with the holy water.

To help our parish meet the increasing costs of the care and maintenance of our cemeteries, parishioners and visitors are asked to be generous to the Cemetery Collection. 

In preparation for Cemetery Sunday relatives and visitors to our cemeteries are asked to help maintain the sacred character of our cemeteries by ensuring that all rubbish and discarded wreaths are put into the skips or taken away for disposal.  Please remember not to put paper, plastic bags or wrapping of flowers into the brown bin.   Discarded wreaths at the end of paths or on open spaces spoils the appearance of our cemeteries and increases the maintenance costs.

A Reflection for Cemetery Sunday

When I die,
give what’s left of me away to children
And if you need to cry, cry for your brothers and sisters  walking beside you.
And when you need me, put your arms around anyone and give them what you need to give to me. I want to leave you something, something better than words or sounds.
Look for me in the people I’ve known or loved,
And if you cannot live without me at least let me live on in your eyes,
your mind and your acts of kindness.
You can love me most by letting hands touch hands, and by letting go of children

that need to be free.
Love doesn’t die, people do.
So, when all that s left of me is love……… give me away.




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