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Catholic Chaplaincy at QUB PDF Print E-mail

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We are the new Welcome Staff Team, (
[l-r] Laura Whinnery, Claire Corr and Dominic O’Reilly),

and we are writing to tell you about all the wonderful changes happening this year in the Catholic
Chaplaincy @ QUB.

The chaplaincy doors have opened with a new set of fresh faced, budding students for this new

academic year, and what better way to greet them, than with a whole new chaplaincy experience!
We want to tell you what is happening in the chaplaincy and how you can help us out!

What’s on Offer?

The Catholic Chaplaincy Trust Cafe offers freshly made sandwiches, hearty vegetable soup & 'hot from the oven' crispy rolls to nourish the students as they go about their studies. (In the near future we will be adding in a hot meal of the day, a proper home-cooked meal). The beauty of the café is that there are no prices, we simply trust the students to donate what they can, no questions asked.

With queues reaching around the café and a multitude of comments from students saying how much they are loving the new chaplaincy “vibe”, we are already assured that this was a great new venture to undertake.

What is the Welcome Team?
The chaplaincy is all about ‘making hospitality [our] special care’ (Romans 12:13) and this is where we, the welcome team, come in. We are there to ensure that the chaplaincy is a place that students feel they can come to study, relax, socialise and, most importantly, grow in faith. Everything from a friendly face greeting them at the door, to background music, to a guaranteed set of people to eat with, makes the chaplaincy an incredibly inviting environment. Carrying out this role is nothing short of an honour and a joy as we see the new vibe that has developed in the chaplaincy amidst buzzing students who are calling in for a cuppa before their next class, or those looking a bite to eat and shelter from the rain, or even
for those who wish to play a healthily competitive game of pool! In the evenings we continue with our scripture courses, prayer groups and social events ensuring that the students have the option to experience a well-rounded chaplaincy experience.

What’s next?

To continue with this new hospitality we need your help! Supplying food for hungry students who don’t have a lot of spare money is a tricky business and it would mean a lot to us if we had some support from our Catholic family throughout the North. If you can pledge a monthly donation to the Catholic Chaplaincy via the Standing Order form attached, we will be able to continue to build upon our early success, invest the limited money we’re currently spending into other aspects of the Chaplaincy and provide a truly wonderful place of Catholic welcome here at Queen’s University. We will sincerely appreciate any help you can give us in investing in the future of the Chaplaincy and the students that will be going there.
Every Blessing,
Laura, Claire and Dominic.



Catholic Chaplaincy QUB Fund

Queen's University of Belfast

28 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast, BT9 6AY

Gift Aid Declaration Form:                                           

Title: ___________________                        First Name(s) ________________________________

Surname: _____________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________


Postcode: ______________________________

I am a UK taxpayer and I want The Catholic Chaplaincy QUB Fund to treat all donations I have made from 6th April 2000 and all future donations (until I notify you otherwise) as Gift Aid donations.

Signature: ____________________________________________________   Dated: ____________

Charity no: XN 47383

Please notify us if you change your name or home address.

You must pay an amount of Income Tax and /or Capital Gains Tax for this tax year at least equal to the tax that we will claim from HM Revenue & Customs on your Gift Aid Donation

Tax claimed by us:

We will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give.


If you wish to make regular donations to The Catholic Chaplaincy QUB Fund through your bank please complete this form as well and return it in the envelope provided.


To the manager (your bank) ______________________________________________ Bank

Full address of bank branch: ___________________________________________________________


Please pay to First Trust Bank, 31 High Street, Belfast, BT1 2AB (sort code: 93-80-92 ) for account of Down and Connor Catholic Chaplaincy Donation A/c No. 08089138

The sum of £ __________                                amount in words _______________________________________

each month/quarter/year (delete as appropriate)                         Commencing on (date) _____________

Account Name (in capitals) ___________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ Post Code: ______________

Account No: _____________________                      Sort Code: ______________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________     Date: ______________________

Catholic Chaplaincy QUB Fund




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