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Thank you from tullylish.com PDF Print E-mail


Thank you to all the tullylish.commers who have shown their support and gratitude for our website and facebook over the past years. 

We try to keep it as fresh as possible and get the 'news' to you as soon as we can. In 2016 we passed the three and a half MILLION hits without even noticing!

Our school snippets from the various plays/services etc have been particularly popular and we are grateful to our three schools (St. Patrick's College, St. Colman's Bann and St. John's) for including us and keeping us informed of all their achievements.

Our parish facebook is particularly popular and we are extremely grateful to Thornhill Ministries in Derry who share their daily meditations with us. Their website is well worth a visit and thank you to Sr. Perpetua McNulty for her beautiful poetry and reflections. 

It is unfortunate that we are no longer able to take the christening photos but please send us in any photos you have and we gladly post them to the website. If you know of anyone who would be willing to take photos for the website, please contact the parish office.

 We wish you all a Happy Christmas and may all that is promised by the Christ-Child in the manger be increased and expanded in your home, among your friends and family.





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