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Walk the Camino for your local Hospice PDF Print E-mail

Walk the Camino for your local Hospice

Due to the popularity of the Camino de Santiago trip we are launching a 2nd trip which will take place from 17th-24th August.


“The Camino de Santiago was enlightening, life-changing, humbling and unique”

                                                                                                                Quote from one of our previous groups


The Camino de Santiago trail is one of the most scenic and impressive walking trails around the world. The route we will be taking on this trip is ‘The Portuguese Way’ which will begin in Tiu and finishes in Santiago de Compostela. There are many pilgrim paths to Santiago but there is none more soulful and significant than the Portuguese Way. This is the path that is intimately connected with the life and ministry of St James as well as his death and burial. It is on this route that he first preached in Iberia and later his body made its last journey.

There are many reasons to walk the Camino – religious, spiritual or just taking a break from the everyday stress of modern life, but whatever your reason, the feeling of satisfaction when you receive your Compostela certificate on completion is entirely exhilarating and overwhelming. If you would like to join us on this journey please phone Denise in Fundraising on 028 3025 1333. Please note that places are limited.




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