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All Soul's Day PDF Print E-mail

Friday 2nd November is The Feast of All Souls

Indulgences at the Commemoration of All Souls.

From 12 noon on 1st November until midnight on 2nd November, all who have confessed, received Holy Communion and prayed for the Pope’s intentions (one Our Father and Hail Mary, or any other prayer of one’s choice) can gain one plenary indulgence by visiting a church or oratory and there reciting one Our Father and the Apostle’s Creed.

This indulgence is applicable only to the souls of the departed.

Confession may be made at anytime within the week preceding of the week following 1st November. Holy Communion may be received on any day from 1st November to 8th November.

The faithful who visit a cemetery and pray for the dead may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the Holy Souls on the usual conditions once per day from 1st to 8th November. The conditions mentioned above apply also for this.

The month of November affords us with the opportunity of joining with the Church in praying for those who acknowledge God during their lives but are struggling somewhat in putting into practice what they professed with their lips. During the month we are requested to and have the opportunity to remember fondly those members of our families and community who once gave so much to us and who now depend on us.

In writing the names of those who have died and in presenting them for inclusion at the altar of God during this special time there is a wonderful opportunity to share with young members of the household this precious custom and the value of our Masses and prayers.

We hope that every family in our Parish will have their deceased included in the Masses that are celebrated throughout the month of November.




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