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Mission Sunday 2020 PDF Print E-mail

Mission Sunday 2020



d0fcc2ef 65fb 434d a540 b0a50ce20f2bWORLD MISSION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18th

This weekend parishes in over 120 countries will celebrate World Mission Sunday. World Mission Sunday is a direct appeal from Pope Francis to give what you can so that overseas missionaries can reach and care for suffering men, women, and children.

On World Mission Sunday, all Mass collections, including those from the most impoverished churches in the developing world, will be offered to help further the reach of missionaries and mission. This appeal is a life-line, not only for missionaries but also for the future of the Church.

Worryingly, it faces a crisis. The worldwide pandemic means that less congregations can physically attend Mass, resulting in fewer offerings in the basket. The implications for suffering overseas communities in the months ahead will be devastating.

Please, if you can, be extra generous this weekend. Your kindness will be used to fund the work of overseas missionaries who serve in some of the most impoverished and overcrowded communities in the world. To give what you can donate at www.wmi/mission, call Fiona in World Missions Ireland on 01 497 2035, or lodge money directly: IBAN - IE12 BOFI 9007 5456 9616 36, BIC - BOFIIE2D, Account Name - Society for the Propagation of the Faith.

Last but not least, World Mission Sunday is more than an appeal for financial support. Pope Francis also seeks spiritual help.  Please share this with parishioners by letting them know that if they are not in a position to give financially, they can still help by keeping missionaries in their prayers and by bringing the meaning of World Mission Sunday to others.



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