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Something new for our youth PDF Print E-mail

Stay Awake' you are invited to join other young people on Friday 1st April at 8 pm for a 12 hour stay awake at St Peter's in Lurgan - we will finish at 8 pm the following morning - our aim is that together we can experience, empathize,  and show solidarity with those who are 'homeless' - a refugee, from Ukraine, Africa, Syeria and other parts of the world.   

You will have a busy 12 hours, time to meet new people, learn more from various charities who work with the homeless and refugees, time for 'craic' music, cards, etc. 

The only time you will have for sleep is when you are given the opportunity to sleep outside - (bring a cardboard box or 2, a few large bin liners) - a great experience - one you will remember -   

There will be time for prayer too, our world needs prayer, it also needs a laugh so we hope you will bring energy and humour to share with others. 

To sign up email your name to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it - remind me what Parish you live in and what school you attend. 

I will send you a consent form that I need you and your parents to complete......it will be that easy - we are hoping that each will donate a little for a charity who works with the homeless - we suggest you give what you can afford from your own pocket, no more than £10 - if possible £5.  Remember it is for a good cause..... 

I will keep you updated as the event draws closer.... please promote to others - places will be limited so get your name in ASAP 

This is a great event to do for Lent and can be used for your JP2 Award - friends who have not signed up to the Award are welcome.  I need final names by Tue 29th March 

Frances McNally

Diocesan Youth Director




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