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New Year Message from Fr. Des PDF Print E-mail

New Year Message from Fr. Des for 2023.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. It was great for me to see so many at the Christmas Masses which I hope you enjoyed attending. I really loved having the little bit of fun with everyone and I believe even at Mass that a little bit of humour is very good for the soul. I do hope that I will see many more of our parishioners back at Mass again and I ask them to make it a New Year’s Resolution to recommit themselves to Mass once a week. I can assure you I will not bore you or keep you a second longer than I need you.

It is hard to believe we begin another new year. It is one no doubt that will see us all getting a little older and please God a little wiser too. As always every new year brings challenges and changes into our lives and world that will no doubt cause us some difficulties as well as some joys.

Every day I take a little moment to ask God to keep me safe from all harm and danger, hurt and shame and debt. And thankfully he has never let me down although at the same time, I have to play may part in it as well.

Trusting God is not always easy but the most important thing, no matter what, is to trust him with everything. That is my part in the relationship, everything else is up to God and as a great friend of mine often said to me over the years is: ’That God is slow, but he is sure’. And that is all that I want from God and if I get that much then I have nothing to worry about.

So, every day, take a little moment for you and God. I can assure you; you will not be disappointed.

Fr Des.




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