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Commemorating the Papal Visit PDF Print E-mail


In three memorable days, 29 September - 1 October 1979, Pope John Paul  II  visited Dublin, Drogheda, Clonmacnois, Galway, Knock,
Maynooth, Limerick and Shannon.
During this time, he delivered several talks, sermons and addresses, including an address to the Irish Government,
and a 'special broadcast address to the Sick' on RTÉ radio and television. 
Among the themes he chose included the call to faith, parenthood, peace and justice, the Eucharist, forgiveness and youth and prayer,
all of which still resonate today.

www.catholicbishops.ie have published a selection of his addresses in audio and booklet format, as well as a  video interview with Bishop Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath, who was a member of the organising committee for the visit in 1979,
and a gallery of images from the event.

Click on the relevant thumbnail below

No doubt, these photos will stir up some memories for those of us (old enough)
to have been part of the Papal Visit.
Do you have any photos from that weekend?
Why not send in some of your memories -
pictorial and written.




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