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In memory of Gary Doyle

Gary Doyle

Gary Doyle 

1972 - 2014

                      Died 6th February 2014                      

The future belongs to those who know how to wait.  At the beginning of any new year we wait in anticipation of the changing of the seasons, we wait for spring, for birth, for love, for life itself to reveal its meaning and purpose. As Christians we must wait with hope and love for Christ who comes to us. As people of hope we believe in the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Today we feel the sadness of death. We have come to share the sorrow of Gary’s family.

Gary was born in Banbridge Hospital on 5th December 1972 and was the youngest of 5. He attended St. John's Primary School, Gilford, followed by St Patrick's College in Banbridge. After finishing in St. St. Patrick's, Gary's first job was in Ferguson's factory followed by Express Parcels in Tandragee with his older brother, Francis.

Gary was a very family orintated person who enojhed taking part in pool competitions. He was also very interested in watching general knowledge quizes where he often beat his father and siblings - which on many occasions, led to a 'Doyle dispute'!

Gary was a very sensitive and caring young man who would have done anything to help someone in need. He was a very entertsining person who enjoyed a sing-sing amongst family and friends. Gary was always the life and soul of any party as he enjoyed a good jive.

Hopefully now, Gary will be at peace with his mother, Josephine.

Gary’s period of waiting is now over. He departed this life on Thursday. There is nothing in the world like death. When we observe the change of the seasons and how nature dies, we say death is natural. Death is totally strange. In one moment a beloved voice, familiar gestures and individual presence stop. The most haunted moment during grief is when you realize that you will never see that person again; it lets no one return. But our Christian faith offers us something entirely different.                                   

The number of years we live is not the measure of our greatness or holiness or wisdom. But who knows the mind of God? So today we want to give thanks and to celebrate Gary’ life. We cherish his memory. Our sure hope is that the Lord Our God will welcome him home and that one day we will be united in heaven. In the depth of our loss we will pray and give thanks to God for Gary. May all his goodness and kindness gather around him to bring him safely home. May his gentle soul rest in peace!

Today as we gather in sorrow to remember Gary, a burden of pain, a burden of loss, a burden of grief weighs heavily on you all. We gather as a community - our presence here today is our way of reaching out to you whose burden is heaviest and whose loss is greatest.              
n our sadness and grief, in the midst of things we cannot understand or explain, let us commit Gary and ourselves to God's never failing love and care, knowing that he will give us strength and courage to face the days ahead, just as he gives Gary new life in his heavenly kingdom. Amen.

On behalf of the parish community I offer our prayers and sympathy to Gary’s loving father Oliver, brothers Martin and Francis, sisters Joanne and Mairead, sisters in law Jacqueline and Ursula, brother in law Paul, nephews and nieces and the family circle.





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