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In memory of Jim McEvoy

Funeral Jim McEvoy Large Web view

Celebrant: Fr. Stephen Crossan

In his homily, Fr. Crossan welcomed everyone to the Funeral Mass, especially those who had travelled a distance, including Jim and his wife and children who had come from Chicago for his father's funeral.

Fr. Crossan, said it was obvious from the size of the wake and funeral that Jim was a very well liked member of the parish community.

Jim was born in 1942, son of Joe and Mary Teresa. He was 4th in a family of 6. Jim attended Bann Primary School where he was known as ‘Paddy Joe’, due to another Jim McEvoy in the same class! Anyone who knew the area well would there there is no shortage of McEvoys in Tullylish!

After primary School, he undertook an agricultural course in Banbridge tech and then, for a short time, he worked in McCorry’s fruit and vegetable shop in Lurgan before he became a full time farmer.

Jim met Miriam at a dance in the Commercial Ballroom in Dungannon and they married in Tullysarron in 1972. They set up home together at their present home on the Knocknagore Road and they and had four sons, Conall, Jim, Liam and Eamon.

Football was Jim’s passion and he and Leo Kelly travelled across the country to follow his beloved Down team. Jim would have played under age football for Tullylish. When his father Joe would have preferred him to working on the farm, Fr. Frank Treanor was quoted as saying: ‘If it’s between farming and football, football comes first!’

Of course his four boys and his 7 grandchildren were the light of his life. In fact, on Christmas Day, Jim was able to travel the short distance in a wheelchair to visit the grandchildren.That is a memory they all will cherish.

In was in 1999 that Jim’s health began to fail when he suffered a brain haemorrhage and then, six years ago, a massive stroke left him incapacitated.  

Since then his wife Miriam has been his devoted and constant carer, always at his side. In all his suffering, Jim never complained, never asked for anything and always had a smile on his face. Thursday night was the only night in the last six and a half years that he required attention and finally at 1.00am on Friday morning, Jim’s suffering finally came to a peaceful end.

May he rest in peace.

Entrance Hymn:          Amazing Grace


FIRST READING:      Ecclesiasticus: 24:1-2. 8-12

Psalm - On Eagle’s Wings   (Sung)

SECOND READING   Ephesians 1:3-6. 15-18

Gospel Acclamation

Gospel                                   Homily

Prayer of the Faithful

Fr. Crossan:  God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life. Therefore, let us pray to him with confidence.

Response:     Lord, graciously hear us.

1. For Jim, who now shares in the joy of the kingdom where pain and suffering have no home.  Lord, hear us.

2. We pray for all who for who mourn for Jim, especially his wife, Miriam, his sons Conall, Jim, Liam and Eamon and the entire family circle. May God comfort and console them and give them strength and healing in the days ahead.   Lord, hear us.

3. For all who cared for Jim, especially Dr, Logan, the District Nurses from Gilford Health Centre and the Home Care Team.  May the Lord bless and reward all who care for life at its weakest moments. Lord, hear us

4. We pray for all who took care of Jim’s spiritual welfare, especially Fr. Powell ad Fr. Crossan.    Lord, hear us.

5. We pray for the dead and we remember especially Jim’s parents, Joe and Mary Teresa . May they and all the faithful departed rest in peace.  Lord, hear us.

6. We now pray for our own special intentions.  Lord, hear us.

Fr. Crossan: Lord, may you support us all day long, till the shadows lengthen and evening falls, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done;then in your mercy, Lord, grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest, and peace at last. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen

Offertory Procession

Offertory Hymn: Take our bread

 Communion Hymns :   I watch the sunrise              

Communion Reflection:        A Time to Remember

Final Hymn: The Old Rugged Cross

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