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In memory of Eileen Greene

In memory of Eileen Greene
22 Plantation Road, Gilford

Eileen Greene 002

Eileen was born in Belfast in 1952, the eldest of 5 children to Jackie and Nan McPhillips and she attended both primary and secondary school in Orangefield, before gaining employment in the local textile factory, Eileen had many jobs in her lifetime from civil service to security. She married in 1970 and had 3 children, Martina, Geraldine and Marty. The family moved to Ardowen in 1974 where Eileen played a major role in the community becoming Chair of the Ardowen Tenant’s Association and, with her friend and partner in crime May, they ran the Tullygally Guides and Brownies. They provided lots of fun and laughter dressing up as various characters.

Saturday nights were music nights when all the family gathered to listen to music and sing along. The children knew it was bedtime when Clubsound played. Eileen played the accordion, taught to her by her dad. 

After the breakdown of her marriage she met and married Des, with whom she shared a love of music and their Friday nights were spent listening to music and a wee Irish coffee. The highlight of her year was the 60’s weekend but one musician she didn’t like was Van Morrison. She lived close to as a child and after overhearing him practicing a music session he came out and asked her how he sounded. She said “it’s... BLEEP”... and funny she hasn’t had a birthday card from that. 

She was very quick witted and loved to outsmart people who thought they were smart by using big words. She was quick to point out to them “your full of exuberance of your own verbacity” to which they were left stunned, and she just gave one of her wee smirks. 

Computers were no problem for her she was always on hand to help with her grandchildren’s homework and, even on occasion, just did their homework for them. She even went as far as to have one of her poems she wrote for her granddaughter published in a primary school magazine, to which the child took credit. 

She was very creative and loved to sew, bake and she had a flare for short stories and poetry. 

Eileen hadn't been in great health for a year or so and was diagnosed with cancer in August. Even though the outlook wasn’t great she kept her spirits up as best she could and spent the rest of her life with her loving husband and loving family around her showering her with love and making her as comfortable as possible. 

She was a very big character and played a massive part in all our lives, she will be sorely missed but her family have amazing memories that they will cherish forever. 




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