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In memory of Marie Ritchie

Marie Ritchie

Funeral Mass in St. Patrick and St. Colman's Laurencetown on 26rh July 2020

Celebrant: Canon Gerald Powell PP

There is a time for mourning and a time for joy.These two emotions will surely find a place together in our hearts today. At the end of Marie's life, it may be that the need to praise God is uppermost in our minds because it is so clear how rich God's blessings have been to her.

"My soul give thanks to the Lord and never forget all his blessings"

Marie was born in Belfast 68 years ago to Bridget and Robert McCavana, the eldest of 13 children. She was educated in schools on the Antrim Road and Glengormley. The fammily lived for some time in Rochdale in England before moving back to live in Gilford. She married Billy Ritchie and worked in a nursing home in Portadown and caretaker in the integrated primary school, also in Portadown. With the birth of her three children, Paddy, Robert and Bridget, she became an avid reader and hardly left the book down while cooking! There were some burnt offerings for dinner! She liked her style, particularly shoes - her many, many pairs of shoes!

Marie loved music, especially Charlie Lansbrough and Daniel O'Donnell. She liked to travel and enjoyed going on pilgrimage tio Knock, Lourdes and Medjorge.

We are happy today because we know deep down that Marie's life was complete and she was ready for God. We have received much from her - always generous and thoughtful - a lady.

May she rest in peace




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