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Sheila McAteer Acknowledgment

Sheila McAteer

Sheila McAteer Acknowledgment

The family of the late Sheila McAteer wishes to express sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them on the occasion of Sheila’s death.

We deeply appreciate the way you supported us with your kindness and your many prayers, Mass cards, sympathy cards, phone calls, and messages. They were a great comfort to us at a difficult time.

Thanks to Canon Powell for his spiritual support and celebration of the Requiem Mass, to the talented singer/ musician who provided the beautiful hymns during the service. Thanks also to Christine and Catherine in the parish office and Gerald Agnew, (Eucharistic Minister), who were all so helpful with the arrangements.

Special thanks to the staff of Gilford Health Centre, the nursing staff of Ward 2 South Craigavon Area Hospital and the carers who looked after Sheila.

Thanks to Kieran Heaney (Undertaker) for his guidance and dignified manner in which he organised and conducted the funeral arrangements.

It is impossible to thank everyone personally so we trust you will accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere and heartfelt gratitude.

In Thanksgiving the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Sheila’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday the 20th of February at 6:00pm in St. Patrick and St. Colman’s Church, Laurencetown and will be streamed live on the Parish website – www.tullylish.com




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