Funeral Mass celebrated by Canon Powell
The Funeral Mass may be viewed on https://churchmedia.tv/recordings/7153
There is, as the scriptures remind us today, a time for every season under heaven. As we gather in Laurencetown church, we reflect on the mystery of time and providence that are in God’s hands: there is indeed a time to die, a time to keep silence, a time to speak, a time to love. A sad occasion like this today is an occasion to reminisce and to allow the mind to linger on moments from the past. Memories flood back of childhood experiences of being cared for, encouraged and loved. This is a time when gratitude for a loving father wells up in your hearts for a “job well done”. It is a time of awakening to an appreciation of the gifts and blessings received. It is only in hindsight that the gift becomes clear. Life is lived going forwards but understood looking backwards.
Home we all know is where the heart is and today the heart is not at home. The heart has gone to a different place. For it is true that today home is joined to heaven in a more profound way.
So we give thanks to God for Ron’s life and it is with confidence that we pray to the same God to give him eternal rest. Since the passing of Ron you have all shared memories of him in many respects – his talents, achievements and interests –
Sadly his health took a downward turn nine years ago,
Ron was born in Clonigowan in County Offlay on 31st July 1939. As a teenager, he moved to England and that’s where he met Irene. They both returned to Ireland and married here in this church on 27th March 1967. Originally, they lived with Irene’s parents in Red Row before they bought and renovated their present home on Barrack Hill.
They went on to have three children – Adrian, Cathy and Martin.
Anyone who knew Ron knew how passionate he was about the G.A.A.
A former Offlay county minor player, Ron lived and breathed football. He loved playing the game in his earlier days with Tullylish, going to the various matches and, in latter years, watching the games on T.V.
Ron was a legend around Tullylish, a well-respected man off the field and a feared man on the field. He was well known for ‘not going around the players, but through them’! Some may fondly remember Ron known as ‘The Biffo’!
Gardening was another of Ron’s great loves and nothing gave him more pleasure than spending his day working away in his garden.
He also enjoyed going to MacFlynn’s for a drink where he and the late Reggie Harries has their own seats. They were jokingly referred to as the Kray twins with their names being Ronnie and Reggie!
Ron was a barman for most of his life and because of that, he built up a wide circle of friends.
He never lost his Offaly brogue and could be easily identified from quite a distance.
Ron loved his family and adored his grandchildren and great grandchildren – provided they didn’t interrupt his football! Nothing interfered with the G.A.A.
The family are very grateful for all the help they received with Ron’s care over the past nine years and particularly want to mention the doctors and nurses from Gilford Health Centre; the Carers who attended Ron and gave a great deal of support, the Marie Curie team and the staff of Parkes pharmacy in Gilford.
A special word of thanks to Quinn’s funeral directors for their advice and guidance with the funeral.
We gather today as a Christian community and our presence here today is our way of reaching out to all of you who loved him and will miss him and to you we extend our sympathy.