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Ryan Conn Acknowledgment

Ryan ConnRyan Conn Acknowledgement

The family of the late Ryan Conn R.I.P. wishes to express our sincere thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness shown during our sad bereavement. Thanks for all the sympathy, mass cards, letters of condolences and floral tributes.

A special word of thanks to Canon Powell for his support and for celebrating the Requiem Mass so beautifully. A word of thanks to Christine and Catherine in the parish office for showing us such compassion; to our friends Gerard Agnew (Eucharistic Minister) and Donna and David for giving the readings and Janice(singer/organist) for her beautiful singing.

Thank you to the PSNI and the emergency services for their help and support throughout. A special word of gratitude to Denise Finnegan for being so compassionate to Ryan.

Thank you to Bernard McComiskey and Gilford Boxing Club for donating £1,500 to PIPS charity and to Rebecca McBurney for starting “Ryan Conn’s Just Giving Page” which has now reached a total of £8,700 in aid of PIPS. – we thank you, Rebecca.

Sincere thanks to Ciaran Heaney of Heaney and Keenan Funeral Services for the compassionate and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral.

Finally, a special word of thanks to all of Ryan’s friends from every denomination who lined the route to and from the chapel – we are so proud of you all.

Ryan’s Month’s Mind Mass will take place at 6.00pm on Saturday 24th April in St. Patrick and St. Colman’s Church. Laurencetown

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.




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