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In Memory of Jim Doyle

Jim Doyle was born in Gilford in 1935, to parents Frank and Rachel. He also spent many a childhood day with Granny Byrne in Keady Row.

Jim, like many others in the area, joined Gilford Mill where he started as an Apprentice Electrician. Once qualified, he began to travel, using his skills to work in many countries including South Africa and France. He loved travelling but whilst in Dublin, on a contract, he met Eithne whom he married in 1965. 5 sons followed: Des, James, Declan, John, and Patrick. To the boys he will always be Dad, sitting with crossed leg, moving up and down, along with a repressed titter as he observed life.

The family moved to Kingscourt, then Lurgan and eventually settled back in Castle Hill, Gilford. Jim continued working as an electrician in the surrounding areas. As a father of five boisterous boys, he enjoyed when he was able to find solace on his own. Whether it was building a shed, tending to the garden, looking after his finches or fixing things around the house.   He had green fingers growing potatoes and vegetables in the garden, although it was always the boys doing the digging!

Jim shared good humor with everyone he met, even though people often cursed his practical jokes. When times were difficult, he would always put on a smile and through his many escapades he never asked for much but always seemed to get what he wanted.

He enjoyed being sociable, having a drink and a good sing song in his local pub, Foxes. Many of these songs were taught to him by his Granny Byrne or heard in the Ceilidh nights held in Castle Hill by his father Frank.

Unfortunately, in later life, Jim fell ill and was diagnosed with vascular dementia. As the illness progressed, he received excellent care in both Rosemount and Seapatrick Care homes, where he was to end his days.

We gather here today to remember and commemorate his life. Let us bid him farewell as we mourn the loss of a lively, dignified soul and celebrate his life which brought joy and fulfilment to his family and friends.




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