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In Memory of Andy McKinstry

In memory of Andy McKinstry

Andy 2

1946 - 2022

When such a man as Andy dies, our parish community is all the poorer. We are down a good man. We no longer have his good example, we no longer experience his charity, his tremendous generosity to the parish and other charities, his gentleness, his concern – his good humour – his great affection and loyalty to Tullylish parish.

Andy met the love of his life Bridie at a dance in Lurgan back in 1963.  

It was his great dancing that caught Bridie’s eye - particularly the jive.  Whatever function they went to …be it a wedding or the Lourdes do, you could guarantee Andy and Bridie would be jiving the night away.

Andy was a very humble, hardworking, quiet man.  He didn’t say a lot but when he did speak, he had you in fits of laughter 

He loved the greyhounds and enjoyed going to the racing with his brothers and later with Bridie and the children …. Not that he would give you a tip, he would just dander away to place his bet, quiet as ever.

Andy was a devoted family man.

He was hit with a serious health issue when he was a young man and the children were small.  But rather than giving up he put his energy into working within the parish
in his capacity as Chancellor of the Exchequer for the Gilford side of the parish making sure you had your envelopes for the parish collection and then counting the collection.

He enjoyed his time as a scout leader. There is a story about an extensive search for contraband but Andy must have taught the boys well as their said goods were never found by him.

Andy was a member of the Lourdes committee and raised funds and went on the pilgrimages to help the sick for over 15 years.

He loved his grandchildren and family holidays and the day trips away with them gave him the greatest joy

The grandchildren can testify to his careful driving skills…. 28mph with Hugo Duncan on the radio without fail

Andy had great faith and knew that his parents and siblings were waiting on him.  He also knew that his family he was leaving would look after each other and his beloved Bridie 

Andy had defied the odds, he fought to stay with Bridie with his brain haemorrhage and later his lung cancer but sadly this was just one fight too much.

Andy was as man of faith, always making time for prayer, mass and the sacraments. A loving husband, Andy was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and brother.

Above all we are remembering a good man with a wide circle of friends from all sections of the community. Today as we gather in sorrow to remember Andy, a burden of pain, a burden of loss, a burden of grief weighs heavily on us all. We gather as a community - our presence here today is our way of reaching out to those whose burden is heaviest and whose loss is greatest. 

For you Bridie and his loving family there’s the comfort of knowing that you were able to show Andy how much you all loved him and appreciated him throughout the many years of his illness. 

You can remember him and only that he’s gone or you can cherish his memory and let it live on. You can try and close your mind, be empty and turn your back, or you can do what Andy would want; smile, open your eyes, love and move on. May his noble soul be at God’s right hand. 

In our sadness and grief, in the midst of things we cannot understand or explain, let us commit Andy and ourselves to God's never-failing love and care, knowing that he will give us strength and courage to face the days ahead, just as he gives Andy new life in his heavenly kingdom. Amen.

Deepest sympathy to Bridie, Darren, Angela, Gary, Neil and Sean, brother Bobby, father in law to Adrian, Annette, Jacqueline and Linda, grandchildren Ciara, Keelan, Jordan, Daniel, Holly, Maddie, Izzy, Grace and great grandson wee Andy. May Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette pray for Andy. Eternal rest..




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