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In Memory of Peggy Breen.

Peggy Breen

Peggy was born 1944 to Hugh Pat and Lily Mooney, she is one of 13 children. Christened Cecelia Margaret Rose.  

Peggy was a fond follower of fashion. Many stories have been told about growing up in School Terrace. Frequently when one of her sisters brought home something new to wear for a night out, Peggy would have got to the clothes while the owner  was in the bath and been out the door sporting the new clothes before they got out of the bath. She never lost her love for fashion and was always dressed with her bright colors, lovely coloured scarves, with plenty of perfume and with a big smile on her face.  

Peggy worked in Gilford Mill, the  Optical in Lurgan and Lismona Wear in Portadown. 

Peggy married Laurence Breen in December 1969 and they lived in Tullylish before moving to their Knocknagore Road home  40 years ago.

They were not blessed with children but they were very close to their nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. It was always a house where children were spoilt.  

Unfortunately Peggy lost Laurence 5 years ago and has had her own health problems to deal with since his passing. Over the past 2 years Peggy has been receiving excellent care from the Renal Unit in Daisy Hill hospital and she has  really appreciated the help and support from her great neighbours since the loss of Laurence.

Peggy has been coping with severe pain in the past few months and is now free from pain. 

She will be greatly missed by her brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and entire family circle. 

Peggy is predeceseaced by her brother Kieran, sister Betty and brother Patsy. She is now reunited with them, her parents and her beloved Laurence.




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