I have just recently moved into Tullylish Parish from Coalisland to help out with the website.
Unfortunately I have no name.
Oh, some people have tried to give me a name but none of them 'grabbed me', so I thought I would ask you - the tullylish.commers - to help me out.
I would prefer a femine name as I am a lady. The suggestions so far have been Daisy, Lucy, Molly, Pixie, Polly.
Please send in some nice names to the website (through the Guestbook or
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) or I'll end up being called Brutus or Juliius or something like that!
The most popular choice will win.

This is me updating the website! Perhaps not my best side.

This is me in the Parish Office with Colum. He has a great sense of humour - he wants to call me supercalifragilisticexpialidocius! I think we could shorten that to just SUPER!

I pretended to be shy and then I got more cuddles! Pat Smyth just loved me - and who would blame her!

I can also look very sad - that's usually gets me a treat!

This is me 'ignoring'the stupid people around me who won't let me watch the tennis!

Say "Cheese for the camera"! (I'm a dog for pity's sake!)

Just checking on my possible name. I need one before Tuesday cos I'm going to see the nice vet about something called an injection - hope it's nice!