On Saturday 11th August, the Rafferty family and friends organised "The Mourne Challenge" to raise funds for Camphill Community Glencraig, the only boarding school in Northern Ireland for children and adults with moderate to severe learning difficulties. A total of 30 people took part in the Slieve Donard Challenge, climbing the highest peak in N.I, and 13 took part in the 22 mile Mourne Wall challenge, which took place over a greuling 13 hours. You can still sponsor the Mourne Challenge at www.everyclick.com/mournechallenge. The Rafferty family would like to warmly thank all those who took part in either challenge, donated or supported the day in anyway. For more information on Camphill go www.glencraig.org.uk

Patrick McGrann, Liam Rafferty, Valerie Rafferty, Rosemary McGrann, Declan Rafferty and Tony Rafferty

Bill Monaghan, Rosemary McGrann and Stevie and Maggie McKiverigan

Bill Mongham, Stevie McKiverigan, Liam Rafferty, Laura Finnegan and Leanne McKiverigan

Celebrating at the top of Slieve Donard

The Mourne Wall challenge covered 15 peaks in total and 7 out of the 10 highest mountains in the Mournes

The Wall gang celebrating at their final peak, on top of Slieve Donard

The total distance covered was 22 miles over 13 hours

Chris Molloy, Michael Murtagh, Denny Mincher, Stephen McGurk, Brian Thompson, Regina O'Malley, John McGrann, Peter Rafferty, Chris Vallely, Fionntan O'Dowd, Anne-Marie and Michael McCartan