Laurencetown Summerscheme 2008 Around 280 young people from the greater district enjoyed an action packed Laurencetown Summerscheme, now in its seventeenth year. 63 under seven s participated in the Mini Scheme which included sports games, film shows, art and craft, a music workshop and a magic show. One of the highlights of the scheme was the teddy bears picnic at Scarva Park. Some 80 young people aged 8 – 11 years packed the Junior Scheme taking part in sport, art and craft, a pottery workshop in Ballydougan, movies and a trip to Jumping Jacks for the final day out. Almost 140 eleven + year olds made the most of the action at the Senior Scheme. Dodge ball was a usual big activity, art and craft created a designer image with personal badges being made for each of the 23 leaders. The pottery workshop in Ballydougan was very popular with finished pieces now on show in the Community Centre Laurencetown. Trips went out to Combat Games, World Championship Karting, Tubing on the Ski Slope, Ice Skating at Dundonald, swimming, the Iveagh Movie Studios and basketball in Gilford. A big hit this year apart from the ABBA hip-hop was the Photography/Media workshop where the group produced a Summerscheme Film and picture show which kept the entire group riveted to the spot on the last day. The future certainly looks bright for aspiring producers/interviewers. A big thank you to a great team of 30 volunteer leaders from throughout the district who worked together to ensure that the Summerscheme was enjoyable for all.  The young people enjoying looking at the video presentation of the week long events 
  Some of the prize winners
All the leaders from the Summer Scheme 2008 The mini-summer scheme took place in the Community Centre

 Leader and Organiser of the Summer Scheme, Anne Murphy, getting the attention of the members A long way from 'Joseph'!

