Wednesday 17th February 2010
Ash Wednesday
Mass was celebrated in St. Colman's Bann P.S. and Master Monaghan welcomed everyone, including two Student teachers and three Work Experience Students currently in the school, to the Mass.

   One of the gifts brought in the Offertory Procession was a pair of shoes, reminding us that we must always follow Jesus
After Communion, parents and pre-school children were invited to come forward for a blessing.
This was to commemorate the Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple, celebrated on 2nd February.
It was great to see so many young parents out for the Ash Wednesday Mass Distribution of the Ashes

Brendan McClure, Minister of the Eucharist, helped to distribute the ashes

Don't know if the dragon in the entrance was symbolic of the ashes or not, but it is certainly a magnificent creature.
Designed and created by past-pupil Eimear Monaghan, this work of art gained Eimear 100% in her G.C.S. E. course work.