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Thank you Cantabile for a fantastic evening of song. Those who were present at the concert are still talking about it. To say it was polished performance is an understatement. The balance of religious and secular was just right and the harmonies - just brilliant. 
As one parishioner said 'The concert seemed like 10 minutes long'. It was also great that Kerri gave the background to each piece of music so, even though we had heard the song /hymn before, we listened with different ears.
Well done to each and every member and we hope you'll come back to us again!

Cantabile’ is a Lurgan based choir under the direction of Ms Kerrie Patterson. They are a relatively new choir which were established in 2007. The birth of the choir began in St.Mary’s school in April 2007 when a memorial concert in memory of the late Eithne Mc Laughlin was hosted by St.Paul’s Ladies’ and St.Paul’s Male voice choir. It was due to the success of this concert that many members decided to form ‘Cantabile’.

Since its beginning the choir has gone from strength to strength increasing not only its members but also its repertoire. The choir not only perform as a standard S.A.T.B. but the Ladies and Men also perform individually. The choir have performed in numerous venues including The Market Place, Armagh. Guest artists have included ‘The Maginn School of Dancing’, ‘The Ulster Sinfonia’, ‘The South Ulster Concert Band’, ‘St.Mary’s Pipe Band’, Derrytrasna, and more recently ‘Lurgan Salvation Army Band’. All concerts are in aid of charity and it is only through the generosity of their sponsors –The Ashburn Hotel and Inglewood Press that Cantabile are able to host these concerts.

Cantabile are lucky to have the musical talent and expertise of accompanist Mr Colum Mc Garry and flautist Mrs Collette Baine.

Favourites of the choir include ‘Speed your Journey’ from Nabucco by Verdi, Mozart’s ‘Laudate Dominum’, a Medley from ‘Sister Act’ and ‘Hallelujah’ from Shrek.

Although Cantabile has nearly reached their capacity they are always on the lookout for fresh new talent to enhance their sound. If interested in becoming a member please contact Ms Kerrie Patterson to arrange an audition

cantabile text


Kerrie lives in Lurgan with her husband Gavin and 15 month old son Emmet. She began playing the piano at the age of 7 and the clarinet at 14. After completing a degree in music at the University of Ulster, Kerrie pursued a career in education, studying again at the University of Ulster and more recently at Queens University Belfast obtaining a Masters degree in Education specialising in Special Educational Needs. She was a member of St.Paul’s Ladies Choir under the direction of Eithne McLaughlin for over 20 years, and was also musical director for Clann Eireann 1999-2004. Kerrie has been employed as a music teacher at Fort Hill Integrated College in Lisburn for the past 12 years, a role which she enjoys immensely but admits can sometimes be challenging. She also teaches piano and many of her pupils have achieved success in the Portadown Festival. She has been a member of the South Ulster Concert Band for a number of years, originally playing clarinet before moving to the bass clarinet. Kerrie thoroughly enjoys being musical Director of Cantabile and is proud to preside over such a talented group of people and in the process raise money for such worthy causes.





Louise Tiernan, Bronagh Carlin, Meabh Carlin and Caitriona McAtarsney sang J. Brunning's  "Pie Jesu"



Belfast born Collette Baine (Magerr) graduated from Queen’s University Belfast with a 1st in Performance, studying with flautist Colin Irvine, and an overall 2:1 in Bachelor of Music.  During this time she was greatly involved in the QUB orchestra, choir, chamber orchestra and smaller ensembles.  After leaving Queen’s Collette obtained her PGCE qualification from St. Mary’s training college.  She is now a full time teacher and music co-ordinator in her school.  As well as teaching in a primary school Collette has also been involved in the tuition of students in the City of Belfast School of Music and more recently in the Southern Board Music Centre in Portadown where she teaches advanced flute lessons to aspiring young flautists. Collette moved to Lurgan in 2003 and the birth of a son in 2004 and a daughter n 2005 limited her flute playing and teaching.  It was only natural that she would want to get back to her flute playing and this came a few years later.  Collette first played with Cantabile in December 2007 after being approached by Kerrie Patterson.  This was a welcome venture and a partnership that she has been more than keen to develop.



Louise Tiernan


Sinead McKerr sang Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod) - in memory of our own Rhona Fegan.




Colum McGarry needs no introduction in Tullylish and it is without exaggeration that we can say ‘we were extremely lucky to have him on Sunday night!
Colum was only released from hospital on Sunday afternoon after major surgery to remove a burst appendix, followed by a wond infection and it is with the help of his doctor ‘upping the pain relief’ that he was there.
A resident of Laurencetown, Colum took his first musical steps on the organ under the watchful eye of Rhona Fegan, organist of this church and, as he says himself, his inspiration. Colum then took piano lessons with Miss Jean Crothers before going on to study organ at St. George’s Church, Belfast and in Maynooth under College Music Director John O’Keefe.
Sub organist in Laurencetown from the age of 9, Colum was appointed Organist and Choir Master in St Patrick’s & St. Teresa’s Churches Banbridge were he remained happily for 18 years. During this time he also trained the choir in St. Patrick’s Church, Lisburn, St. Malachy’s Church, Alfred St, Belfast, and St. Joseph’s Redemptorist Church, Dundalk. For the past eight years, Colum has been organist and choirmaster in St. Anthony’s Church, Craigavon, a position which he absolutely adores. After Rhona’s untimely death, Colum is also pleased to be able to find the time to play the organ in Laurencetown Church for the Senior choir and Tullylish Male Voice Choir. He is back where he started all those years ago. (that makes him sound old))

From 1992, he has worked as Music facilitator for The Beeches in Aghalee & later coupled with Ballynahinch where he co-ordinates music with Individuals who have learning disabilities.

Colum is proud to have been the accompanist for Cantabile since their formation and has a great admiration for their Musical Director, Ms. Kerrie Patterson—”she, is a talented wee dote”. He is delighted and thankful to Kerrie, the members of Cantabile and Colette (Flautist) for bringing their standard of high musical excellence to the audience of Tullylish and beyond.


Conor Headley and Bronagh Carlin sang Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Pie Jesu"

Bronagh Carlin


Conor Headley.
This young man is a P7 student!! What a voice - he had some of the audience in tears, so beautiful is his voice.
Watch out for this name in the future!!
Conor's mum is from Gilford - Anne Quinn, now Anne Headley.
















Fr. Gerry Powell P.P. thanks Cantabile from giving their time.



Kerri and Collette were presented with bouquets of flowers.


Colum received a box of chocs to help him over his traumatic couple of weeks!

A hot and cold buffet was provided in the Den for the choir - and they deserved it.


















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