St. Colman's Bann P.S. Laurencetown hosted a concert on Tuesday 15th June 2010 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the "NEW SCHOOL"
Opening Address by John Monaghan
You are very welcome to our 25th Year Celebration of the opening of St. Colman's Bann Primary Schnool in 1984. In particular we welcome all our past staff members, governors, pupils and parents, not just of the present school but from the original Bann Primary School. In a village like ours, traditionally the Chapel and the School have been the focal points of the Community. Now this is extended to include our football claub, Tullylish G.A.C. and the Community Centre. The school has always remained the life-line of Community Spirit through many generations in our Parish. The demands of changing tinmes brought our local education up to date 25 years ago with the opening of St. Colman's and, I believe, we have Mrs. O'Hare (neé Miss McNeill) to thanks for keeping its identy as St. Colman's Bann as I have been told that during the dedication ceremony when Bishop Brooks officially blessed the school, he referred to it as simply, St. Colman's but Maeve insisted that "Bann" would remain in the title. Changes and advancements in technology are almost impossible to keep up with in modern times, but we are glad that our school will always be "St.Colman's Bann" We have all our personal memories of our lives as pupils or our involvement with the school at some level. What we know will never change is that there will always be children to be taught, there will always be past-pupils and new generations ahead and, please God, our school will always be a vital central core that holds us together as a community with our Parish. John Monaghan, Principal

Mary McCann (Vice Principal) and John Monaghan (Principal) welcome Mrs. Maeve O'Hare as a Special Guest. Mrs. O'Hare was Principal when the new school opened.
Master Monaghan welcomes everyone and gives us a few anecdotes of how it was in 'his day'.
The Strings Section of the School Orchestra gave us a demonstration of these difficult instruments.
Past pupils Liam Hendron and Dan Monaghan
P1 and 2 entertained us with tales of dinosaurs
P6 and 7 performed "Miss Hoy" by past-pupil Eimear Monaghan, a lovely tribute to Julie Hoy,
Past Pupils Nuala Monaghan and Niamh McDermott
Liam Hendron played 'Can't help falling in love'
The school choir performed "Edelwiess" and "Bread and Fishes"
Liam accompanied Miss McCann and the P6 and P7 Class as they sang 'Edelweiss'
Past pupil Sinead McCartan treated us to a beautiful study on the saxophone
P6 pupil Mary McAteer played "Wondering, Pondering and Play Party"
Sarah McAleavey said the poem "Scissors"
Mark Blevins came to show us his GOLD MEDAL which we won last week at the Ireland Games in Limerick
Past Pupil Dan Monaghan
Primary three listed all the excuses they use for not having their homework done!
Past Pupil Willie John McCartan played "Annie's Song"
The Tin Whistlers!
Past Pupil Nuala Monaghan has our feet tapping as she played
"Sunny Side of the Street" and "Chattanogo Choo Choo"

The Ugly Bug Ball
The P3's certainly had a 'ball' perforing this song.
The audience really loved this
P7 pupils John McAnerney and Eoin Lyness played the ever popular "When the Saints Go Marching in"
Past Pupil Niamh McDermott was superb playing "Anitra's Dance"
P7 pupil Dáire McCluskey - an up and coming star - played "Liberty Bell"
Past Pupil Siobhan McAteer played "Ballet"
P7 pupils Aisleén McAteer and Megal Quaile played "The Witches Dance and Jazz 3"
This talents P3 class sang "Nobody Loves Me"
Past pupils Paula Jordan, Lynn Laverty and Colum McGarry gave us a medley of songs accompanied by John Monaghan and Paul Laverty
Lynn and Paula
Master Monaghan
Colum McGarry wanted to play this particular piano since he remembered it coming into the school when he was in P2! I didn't know music was invented that long ago!!
Fr. Powell capturing the entertainment on his phone!
The children really got into the mood
Mrs. O'Hare and Colum McGarry - were they in the same class?
The P7 class finished the evening with 'Fields of Athenry'.
Mark and his mum, Ann Blevins
Mrs. O'Hara and John Monaghan Past and Present Principals
Master Monaghan showing Mrs. O'Hara the 'accounts book' from way back
Past Principal and Vice Principal Mrs. O'Hare and Mrs. McGivern
The Past and Present Master Monaghan, Mrs. O'Hare, Mrs. McGivern and Miss McCann