Caitlin McManus from St. Colman's Bann P.S. won the recent Primary Idol Competion hosted by St. Patrick's College in Banbridge.
For winning the competition, Caitlin was presented with an IPAD 2 and Cailin McCourt from St. John's P.S. Gilford came second and won £250.00.
The pupils from both schools who reached the finals were Tiarna Barry from St. Colman's Bann and Rachael Monaghan, Karla McCavana and Meabh McIlduff from St. John's.
Well done to each one of them. You are all stars!

Caitlin who won 1st Prize and received an IPAD2

Cailin who won 2nd prize and received £250.00

Mr. Seamus Rafferty and some pupils from St. Patrick's College presenting Caitlin with her prize.

After surprising Caitlin and Tiernan with the news they would be performing in front of their friends,. Mr. Monaghan presented the two girls with little plaques on behalf of St. Colman's Bann P.S.
