What budding portrait artists we have in Primary 7!
Master Monaghan, Miss McCann, Mrs. Hendron Mrs. Reavey Miss Hoy, Mrs. Curran, Mrs. McMeekin, Miss McAteer, Ms St. Clair Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. McDermott, Mrs. McManus, Mrs. McGrath

Fr. Stephen spoke about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit they recently recevied at Confirmation, especially the Gift of Courage as they move from Primary School to Secondary Education.

Fr. Stephen gave the Primary 7 class a Special Blessing as they move on to pastures new.

Mrs. Reavey, Fiona, Claire-Rose, Leah, Megan, Tierna and Master Monaghan Ciaron, Eoin, Shea, Jamie, Kalem, Stephen and Cathal.

Is Master Monaghan holding his hands up in prayer or despair?


Prayer of the Faithful
God our father, we thank you for looking after us, through all the people we have come to know, this year. We thank them for making our school a happy place, and we ask you to bless them.
The Response is: Lord, hear us.
1. Bless Father Powell and Fr Crossan for their interest in our school this year, and for their genuine concern for all of us.
2. Bless our teachers for their patience and gentleness, in teaching and helping us this year.
3. Bless Mrs Hendron and Mrs McDermott for their hard work and commitment to the school.
4. Bless Janet, Helen and Sheila for keeping the school spotless and tidy.
5. Bless Mrs Curran, Miss McAteer and Miss St Clair for all the help they give the teachers and for looking after us in the playground.
6. Bless Bernie, Gerard and the bus drivers for getting us safely to school each day.
7. Bless our mums and dads, and grannies and grandpas for their constant love and care, and for getting usup early, and ready for school each day, throughout the school year.
8. Bless all the other teachers and students who help us through out the year
9. Bless Aaron, Mark, Lisa and Sarah for coaching us this year.
10. Bless us, the P7 pupils, as we leave to begin the next stage of our school life.
Communion Litany
The response is: Thank you, Lord.
1. For our thoughtful and helpful school friends.
2. For our patient and friendly teachers.
3. For the happy times we had together, in our classrooms.
4. For the games and fun we had in the playground.
5. For the new things we learned this year.
6. For the days when things were not so good, and we were not so happy.
7. For all the people in the school, who were kind to us.
8. For our mums and dads, grannies and grandpas, who loved and cared for us, all this year