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St. Colman's P.S. Christmas




On Monday 17th December 2007,
Laurencetown Pre School Playgroup came to the
Dress Rehearsal




P5,6 and 7 performed the hilarious version of

"The Twelve Days of Christmas"


This was followed by the biblical explanation of

"The Twelve Days of Christmas"

The Partridge in a Pear Tree ...
representing Jesus

Two turtle doves representing the Old and New Testament

Three French Hens .... faith, hope and love

Four callings birds - the four books of the Gospel

Five Gold Rings ..... the five books of the Old Testament:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy

Six geese a-laying .. the six days of creation reminding us to rest on the seventh day.

Seven Swans a-swimming -the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit

Eight maids a-milking.... the eight beatitudes


Ten Lords a leaping ... the ten commandents

Eleven Pipers Piping --- the eleven faithful apostles

Twelve Drummers Drumming... the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles Creed


All the young stars wave to their parents before the show begins

Master Monaghan welcomes the audience

Goldilocks checks out the porridge!!

then the chairs

then she meets the bears!!

Little Bo Beep looking for her sheep!


Santa and Rudolph

When Santa got stuck up the chinmey!

An Unusual Nativity Play from P3 and P4

A lonely shepherd waiting to go on stage






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