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Our vision is that every individual in our school is completely committed to following the living example of Christ, through which they will feel valued, respected and loved, and will strive to discover and fulfil their talents to their greatest potential.

Mission Statement
The staff of St. Colman’s recognises and values the school as a community investment, and in this respect we all strive to improve the quality of life spiritually, intellectually and physically for all who share partnership in its day-to-day operation.

At St. Colman’s
we take pride in our efforts to care for every child
as though they were our own.

Aims of the School
Parents are the first teachers of their children, and we consider good teaching to be an extension of good parenting. With this in mind, it is helpful to consider our aims under two headings:

(a) Those which develop wisdom and character
(b) Those which develop the knowledge and know-how

These are not seen as distinct approaches to teaching, but rather reflect that what we teach cannot be distinct from the way in which we teach it.
It is our policy to reach these aims through positive appraisal and through the acknowledgement and celebration of the children’s abilities, talents and achievements, inspired and guide by the Catholic faith we profess.

(a) Wisdom and Character

1. To promote the values, teachings and practices of the Catholic Church as a way of life.
2. To provide an environment where children feel safe, secure, valued and happy.
3. To foster in the children self-respect, as well as respect for each other and all those they come in contact with,
4. To teach them the importance of respecting the property of others.
5. To promote a sense of pride in the school as central to the community.
6. To develop in the children high standards of social conscience and moral values.

(b) Knowledge and Know-how

1. To provide a broad and balanced curriculum, fulfilling the requirements of the Northern Ireland Education Order, with particular emphasis on developing skills in Literacy and Innumeracy.
2. To provide learning opportunities appropriate to the level of development of each child.
3. To provide activities which help foster qualities of initiative, independence and self-confidence in each child.
4. To promote in the children, the desire to learn, appreciate and discriminate.
5. To equip them to become contributing members of the community at every level. (i.e. national and international)




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