10 Drumnascamph Road • Laurencetown • Craigavon • BT63 6DU
Tel: (028) 4062 2074
Fax: (028) 4062 2250
Principal: Mr J Monaghan B.Ed. D.A.S.E. M.Ed.
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5th September 2013
Dear Parents,
As you know, the issue of speeding traffic has been a major concern for our whole community in recent years, particularly in the vicinity of the school and community centre.
This morning I attended a meeting arranged at the school with Mrs. Jo-Anne Dobson (MLA), Mr. Kieran McKenna (Roads Service) and Mr. Neil Gillen (Laurencetown, Lenaderg and Tullylish Community Association), to discuss preliminary plans for traffic calming drawn up by the Roads Service.
The meeting was very positive and I was delighted to see the proposal to put in place speed humps at 7 places, beginning at The Point and continuing for approximately half a mile along the Drumnascamph Road. These will be accompanied by warning signs for motorists.
I am confident that this would greatly improve safety for all pedestrians in our community, particularly our school children.
With the permission of Mr. McKenna I have left the preliminary plan with Neil in the Community Centre where it can be publicly viewed and feedback given by any member of the public.
Mr. McKenna has suggested that a quick positive public response would be helpful in getting these measures put in place soon.
Anyone who would like to respond to this proposal should make it known over the next week, either by calling in to the Community Centre or by emailing Roads Service directly at
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Please note that it is important that your opinion is made known as an enthusiastic response will ensure a quick result.
Thank you for your continued support,
John Monaghan.