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Roots of Empathy

St. Colman's Bann Youngest Ever Teacher

Roots of Empathy Programme – Understanding the feelings of others. Their slogan: “Changing the world, child by child.”

The Canadian based programme involves visits from a baby starting at 4 months and visiting once each month throughout the school year.   It is now running here for second year.

Last year P.4-5 learned from their youngest ever teacher, - Marianne Corbett, who taught the class how babies grow and develop and learn to communicate  - and how each one of us does the same, - through kindness and empathy with one another to make the world a better and more caring place.  Marianne was ably assisted by her mother Shauna – to whom we are extremely grateful!

St Colmans Bann  - june 13

The programme continues this year in Mrs McMeekin’s P.2-3 room with their youngest ever teacher: Baby Ruth Nelson, from Banbridge - assisted by her mother Glenda.

The photograph was taken in June at Celebration Day for Roots of Empathy Families – at Armagh Teachers’ Centre and they presented a framed copy to Shauna and one to the school with the inscription:

“St. Colman’s Bann youngest teacher Marianne Corbett, her Mum, Shauna, School Principal and Roots of Empathy Instructor John Monaghan pictured at a celebration event in June 2013 to mark the school’s first Roots of Empathy Programme. Also in the photograph is Armagh lady Mayor Sharon Haughey, Mairead Donnelly and Lynn Smart SHSCT and Shiela Gamble SELB”




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