The Cash for Clobber scheme isn't just a great way of raising funds for our school, we are also helping those much less fortunate than ourselves and at the same time we are reducing the amount of clothes that would have been sent to landfill. For this scheme you are asked to donate:- good quality clothing, bedding, curtains, shoes, handbags and books. Items which are notsuitable are duvets, pillows and soiled articles. If you wish to donate please contact the school for a Cash for Clobber Bag or just drop off any items in a bin bag.
To raise funds for the children's charity "Children Helping Children", which was the theme for our opening Mass in school last Friday, we invite to have a cup of tea and a bun and perhaps to buy some cakes to take home. We hope to see you on Friday 17th October 2014 at 10.00am