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New Principal for St. Colman's Bann

We are delighted to annouce that Mr. Darragh Tighe from Newry has been appointed Principal of St. Colman's Bann Primary School in Laurencetown.

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Born in Newry, Mr. Tighe now lives just outside Newry with his wife, Elaine and his three children Caitie (4), Conor (3) and Callum ( 5months).

Mr. Tighe comes to St. Colman's Bann from the Presentation Primary School in Portadown where he taught for 11 years and served as Vice-Principal for 4 years. His hobbies include Gaelic, soccer and golf  - no wonder as his grandfather, Tony Tighe, was a famous Cavan Gaelic footballer!

He is very excited to take up this post in St. Colman's Bann and looks forward to meeting the children, the parents and the wider community. He has been made to feel very wecome already and he officially takes over as Principal on September 18th.

We wish Mr. Tighe well and can guarantee he will have the suport of the Tullylish community.




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