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Mission Statement

St. John's Primary School


St John's Primary School

Castle Hill
County Armagh
BT63 6HH

Tel: 028 3883 1555

Principal Miss Catherine McCooe

Vice Principal Mr Michael Battersby

Our Aim is to:

To promote Christian values and beliefs, encouraging respect for self and others.

To provide a happy, caring, stimulating environment which is conducive to learning.

To promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual, emotional and physical development of each individual pupil.

To build upon existing home/school links and to develop a working partnership with parents and others.

To strive to help children achieve their potential and to become independent life-long learners.


Our Mission Statement

Each person has a special dignity and value which is grounded in one's relationship with Christ. Catholic schools are called to recognise and respect the uniqueness of all individuals, to enable them to realise their full potential and help create the world as God intends it to be.

(John Paul II - Redemptor Hominis, 1979)


Inspired by the words of John Paul II, we find ourselves with the guiding principles of the schools' Mission Statement. To this end, the school works to establish a network of supportive relationships based on mutual trust and respect. This is evident within school and extends to the wider community.

We strive to create a positive climate which promotes a working, caring and happy environment. Efforts to raise school standards are met through policy making and on-going curriculum review. Staff and pupils are encouraged to strive for excellence in all aspects of school life and extra-curricular activities are offered to enhance the curriculum and the self-esteem of pupils. All members of the school community should feel valued and sustained as they grow together through their experiences and success. Positive reinforcement is seen as a means of encouraging everyone to give of their best and the school environment should reflect and celebrate the children's work. The promotion and practice of positive behaviour by all members of the school community is encouraged at all times. Pastoral care and education for Mutual Understanding are seen as a further means of enhancing these structures.

Above all we, as a Catholic school, are drawn together in collective worship through active participation in prayer and liturgical celebrations. Preparation for the Sacraments is a partnership between school, home and church and all have a shared responsibilty in handing on the faith. The school chaplain is encouraged to work in close alliance with staff in fostering christian values.

We beleive that our Mission Statement permeates the academic, social, physical, moral and religious aspects of school life in St. John's




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