St. John's said 'Farewell' to Mrs. Alison Sweeney on Tuesday 25th June 2019. After 31 years of service, Mrs. Sweeney received some gifts from the Board of Governors and the school. At the end of the presentations, Mrs. Sweeney spoke to the entire school and encoruaged them to always remember the quote on her classroom wall about love. St. John is the patron saint of the school and he mentioned the word 'love' 57 times in his gospel. It was a very warm, funny, sincere and most inspiring few words - not only to the children but to everyone present.
It was lovely to see past principals, teachers and staff to come along and pay tribute to Mrs. Sweeney

Tony Keeley and Patrick McDonnell present a gift on behalf of the Board of Governors

P7 and P3 pupils presented gifts on behalf of the school

This fabulous book included messages and drawings from the entire school

To finish off, the entire school sang a new song, especially for Mrs. Sweeney.

Mrs. Sorcha Lyness principal with Mrs. Sweeney